grandma is in the house

After being awake for 24 hours and a 16 hour flight with everyone treating her like a princess, my 84 year old grandma is here in Atlanta. How cool is that!? I'll be posting our daily "adventures" to share with everyone back home. Here she's skyping with my sister and cousins in Canada. She sends out kisses with her hand when she sees them live on the monitor, it's so sweet. Little does she know that in a about a week my cousins will be surprising her! I really believe that when a person gets to a certain age should be pampered and surrounded by family and love. It's my way of saying thank you for all the amazing things she did for me when I was growing up. Think about it. And if your grandparents live far away, give them a call. I'm sure you'll make their day!


  1. Espetacular!! E és parecida com ela... nos olhos!

  2. That's so great! It's nice to see you have such a close relationship with her! Have fun you two!!

  3. your grandma is mega-cool! :)

  4. és uma querida!! já não tenho avós e como sou a mais nova da família, perdi-os já há muitos anos, mas acho isto maravilhoso! e sem dúvida que é um gesto muito bonito!!!
