1 potato, 2 potatoes, 3 potatoes

A bit away from my broken computer to help out harvesting potatoes. Tradition states that for the youngest members of the family is reserved the task of packaging potatoes. Picking them up and bagging them while the wise elders hunt for potatoes by nobly handling their sharpened hoes. The scary thing is that I'm the youngest!?

Last year I saw "Les glaneurs et la glaneuse" by the beautiful Agnès Varda, a movie about the centuries old practice of gleaning: picking up the castoffs of others. There was a scene in the movie about gleaning potatoes in massive farms and the enormous quantities of potatoes that are left in the dirt to rot. Of course in my parent's farm I'm a thorough gleaner! The same year Agnès made the movie, she used the strange shaped potatoes she had gleaned and exhibited them in an art show while she, herself, paraded around in a potato costume. Amazing.


  1. you´re the youngest!! That´s scary!! Luisa, Jessica, João Luis..Help Help Help!!

    This Christmas your the one that´s gonna be handing in the presents to everyone!! ha ha ha

  2. Great Job Isabel!!! Keep it up!

    I would have been there and helped if it wasnt for the body of water between us:(
